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Covid-19 Update

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RTU is currently open for business.

Following the Prime Minister's announcement last night, we have been liaising with industry leaders, suppliers, customers and members of staff. Taking a lot of things into consideration and in line with government advice, RTU remains open albeit with reduced production.

Our first priority of the business is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of both employees and our customers and help stop the spread of this deadly disease. So we request all on being able to effectively implement robust SOCIAL DISTANCING in line with the Public Health Guidance to protect the health and welfare of our valued employees and their families through this COVID 19 emergency.

We are in exceptional circumstances and doing our utmost to help our customers keep construction sites operational wherever it is practical and safe to do so.

The management team is closely monitoring the situation, for more information contact our head office on 028 9085 1441