Our Products


Product Calculator

Use our simple calculator to work out how much product you need for your project.

  1. Select the product you wish to order
  2. Enter the measurements for that product
  3. See the total amount of product needed and place an order
Online Calculator

Contact our sales team for further information


The coronavirus pandemic is causing major uncertainty for all businesses resulting in the closure of most construction sites throughout Northern Ireland. To help stop the spread of this deadly virus along with the government guidelines to protect the welfare of our staff, customers and the community, RTU is temporarily closed from today Friday March 27th until further notice.

During this temporary closure, if you have an urgent requirement you can contact dispatch on 028 9085 1441 and voicemails will be dealt with. RTU will update on the situation via social media and our website www.rtu.co.uk.

Stay safe everyone, we will get through this!