Our Products

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement

Product Calculator

Use our simple calculator to work out how much product you need for your project.

  1. Select the product you wish to order
  2. Enter the measurements for that product
  3. See the total amount of product needed and place an order
Online Calculator

Contact our sales team for further information

Business as usual - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement:

RTU is operating as normal and orders are being processed and dispatched on a daily basis.
We have been vigilantly monitoring the situation, and following the guidelines and recommendations to ensure the safety of our staff and customers.

Our stock levels are good and our manufacturing and development teams are still on-site to keep making great products and provide high-quality technical support.

At present, there is no disruption to dispatch and our orders are being delivered promptly.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales team: sales@rtu.co.uk or 028 9085 1441