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Belfast Back Care & Physiotherapy

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Belfast Back Care & Physiotherapy’s new premises on 771-775 Antrim Rd has resulted in a reimagined sports massage, physio, pilates and podiatry clinic that is modern, bright and welcoming.

McGurk Architects and Conlon Construction oversaw an extension and retrofit of a supermarket and hairdressers into a cutting edge clinic with the comfort and space to offer the best treatment for their clients. RTU is delighted to have provided a range of products, notably our new Zircon polished concrete in Roman Court, which creates a stunning entrance floor extending to the main reception and waiting areas. Our white mortar is used on the impressive facade with a powerful visual contrast between subtle buff brickwork and an intense standout colour palette. RTU concrete and plaster contribute to the overall building's performance throughout the customised modern treatment rooms, rehabilitation facilities, pilates suites and staff areas.

After a challenging year for everyone, the team has moved in and is delighted to open the door and welcome their clients back inside!
